Programs & Events

Friends Sponsored

Spring Plant Sale, May 10th

The Friends Spring Plant Sale will be held Saturday, May 10th, the day before Mother’s Day, perfect for those last-minute shoppers out there. The sale usually features annuals, herbs, and high-quality plants in hanging baskets, pots of herbs, and flats. Handmade, brightly painted birdhouses by local woodworkers and ceramic pots may also be available for purchase.

Plants should be available for preorder from The Book Cellar: Online between April #-##. Orders may also be placed at The Book Cellar sales desk at the lower level of the Library. Specifics may be found in the Quarterly April Friends Newsletter.

Of course, plants should be available for purchase on the day of the sale. Please join us and help us grow more green for the Library.

Fall Mum Sale, September 6th

The Friends Fall Mum Sale will be held Saturday, September 6th, the day before Mother’s Day. Nothing captures the essence of fall quite like blooming mums. Mums are known for their brilliant shades and ornate blooms and have a broad range of cultural significance across East Asia, northeastern Europe, and the U.S., where they were introduced in 1798.u

The colorful, showy blossoms of chrysanthemuums are often used for autumn weddings, besides being ideal to complement harvest-themed festivals and parties and Halloween decorations. But their vivid hues are perfect for any fall event.

Mums should be available for preorder from The Book Cellar: Online between August #-##. Orders may also be placed at The Book Cellar sales desk at the lower level of the Library. Specifics may be found in the Quarterly June Friends Newsletter.

Of course, mums should be/are usually available for purchase on the day of the sale.

Don’t miss your chance to add some color to your garden and help our financial support of the Library BLOSSUM.

Holiday Book Sale, November 22nd

In conjunction with Mt. Lebanon Public Library’s celebration of Iceland’s Jolabokaflod – a charished holiday tradition of giving books to friends and family who reading them together on Christmas Eve – the Friends will sponsor their annual Holiday Book Sale, November 22nd, the same day as Jolabokaflod.

Quarterly & Pop-Up Book Sales: Dates(s)

Content needed, or eliminate?

Brews for a ‘Chili Night: January Date

Content needed, or eliminate?

Beer Garden Bash: August Date

Content needed, or eliminate?

Others Missing ?

Date(s) & Content needed

Friends Partnerships

Midsummer Night’s Folk Festival, June

Content needed, or eliminate?

Library Speaker Series

Content needed, or eliminate?

Genealogy Society

Content needed, or eliminate?

Book Conversation Groups:

Shakespeare, et al, content needed, or eliminate?

Library Garden

Content needed, or eliminate?

Others Missing

Date(s) & Content needed